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by Flora McDonnell

Candlewick Press, February 2004
Hardcover, 32 pages
ISBN: 0763622087
Recommended Ages: 4 - 8
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Review by Sherri Allen:

book cover of Sparky by Flora McDonnell

"This is Sparky. He has just arrived at his new home. Everything looks and feels strange..." In Flora McDonnell's latest book, Sparky, the title character is a young dog who is unsettled by his new surroundings until he meets Mary. Sparky and Mary become instant friends and have fun dancing, playing, eating and getting ready for bed together. At the end of the day, the two pals drift off to sleep after having "...the best day ever!"

McDonnell uses her distinctive artistic style to fill the pages of this picture book with colorful gouache paintings. The images of Sparky and Mary having fun together are delightful and visually express the bond between a child and her dog.

Any young child who loves dogs will adore this book. Just be prepared with your response to the following plea: "Mommy / Daddy, I want a dog just like Sparky, PLEEEEAAAAASE."

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